Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Law of Attraction: I’m Good at the Small Stuff

By Joyce Shafer

Maybe you’ve attracted some interesting items, people, or events into your life, but some of what you want is giving you a challenge. What’s different?

If you’ve used the Law of Attraction, you probably have had some good results with some of the smaller things, but some of the bigger ones are presenting challenges to you. Have you asked yourself what’s different?

I reflected on this because I’ve wished for some things and what I got was even better than I’d imagined (and some never manifested, thank goodness!). There was the time I finished reading my last paperback novel and thought, "I need more novels." The next day, I found around 100 novels on the table in the laundry room of my building. Forty-five books came home with me. And there was the time I glanced at the corner of my apartment in the pre-war building I live in and thought, "I want a lamp for that corner, and I want it to go with the building’s architecture." A few hours later, I found a lamp from the 1930s in perfect working order in the basement. I could keep going with a long list of things, people, and resources that took anywhere from a few minutes to a year to reach me.

One difference I found was the energy attached to the thought. Now, any of us who’ve read any material or watched any movies about the Law of Attraction know that the deepest feeling belief we hold is what we attract. This is the key, of course.

When I thought about things I wanted, it was like saying, "I see a lamp in that corner" or "I see more novels waiting on that shelf for me to read them." I had intention, and I had no emotions attached to getting anything. I just knew I would. No thought went into, "Where am I going to look for that, how much will it cost to get it" . . . I basically stated I was going to have it. I didn’t even commit myself to shopping for these things as part of the process, though I would have been willing to do this.

This detachment didn’t limit the amazing ability of the Universe or quantum field that responds to us in any way. It allowed the Universe to provide and provide quickly, easily, and with items, people, and resources even better than I’d imagined.

What happens when we think about attracting more money or the intimate, committed relationship we choose to have? Did you feel the emotional surge when you read that last sentence? It’s called attachment. It comes from a sense of lack, a need to fix or change, and this puts a choke-hold on your cosmic manifestation team because these emotional attachments have a greater energy than your intention to have whatever it is you choose to have.

So how do you flip this? Ask yourself if your hand can hold more water if it’s clinched or if it’s open. It’s the same with our emotional energy. Picture something that you choose to add to your life right this moment. Every time you feel any doubt about getting it or any negativity about deserving it, see your hand clinched in front of a stream of pure water. Take some deep breaths and remind yourself you can quench your thirst only if your hand is open and cupped so it can receive water. See your limiting beliefs and emotions in the same way.

You may have to work with this more than once because of programmed behaviors about how you’re "supposed" to act when you want or need something. Everything you’re experiencing at this moment is the direct result of a belief you hold and a choice you’ve made. Pause right now and realize what this says about how powerful you actually are.

Power is not nervous, anxious, fretful, or distraught. Power is inspired and intentional. It pays attention to opportunities; and when an action feels appropriate, it moves forward.

Remember that some of what we call to us, even subconsciously, we do so to help us learn and grow. A problematic or challenging situation or person showing up for us is not a sign of failure. In fact, it’s a sign of success. If we focus more on what we can learn about ourselves and how we can expand more into who we are rather than what’s going on, we can recognize this as the mastery it is.

One last bit: There is no "small" or "large" in the Law of Attraction. Anything and everything you attract is a miracle, an affirmation of your ability to create. Celebrate all of them.

Joyce Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach (iPEC) and published writer. Discover if you’re ready to create more life balance through the power of Law of Attraction coaching. Learn about Joyce’s coaching special available for the first 15 people ready to go at

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Motivational Strategies For Your Workouts So You Finish Every Time

By Derek Manuel

Staying motivated is a key factor to having success in the gym. As they say, most people are good starters but poor finishers. This is because it is easy to get fired up and excited about a future goal you want to attain, such as trying to get in shape and build muscle fast, especially when you flip through a bodybuilding magazine or see a role model with a body like the one you want.

For the first couple days, we are all excited and ready to hit the gym and train with more intensity then ever. After the workout, we feel good and can't wait until the next training day. This goes on for a few more days, for some even a few weeks. Then suddenly, our motivation level drops. All of the sudden doing something else like watching T.V. or going out with your buddies to the beach sounds much more appealing. On our next workout day, we're just not that eager to hit the gym hard and punish our bodies. We tend to even think about working out less and less.

Let me just say that at this point, and if you ever experienced this before, your goals for that particular workout are pretty much toast - unless you do something about it fast. Think about it. What got you all pumped up to begin the workout in the first place? What was different about the beginning of the workout that changed later on that kept you from continuing your workouts in the future? One word: Motivation.

What exactly is motivation? The actual definition of motivate is "to provide with a motive or motives." So if motivation is what provides you with a motive, a reason to workout, how do you maintain motivation until your reach your goals? Figure out your reasons why and how to constantly remind yourself on a daily basis. In other words, figure out "what" motivates you and "why" it motivates you and implement them into your daily thoughts and you will always be motivated!

Obviously this is much harder then it sounds, but there is a logical way to go about doing this. My mentor always used to tell me, "when you know your reason why, you will overcome any how." So the first step to keep you motivated throughout your whole workout program until you complete it is to figure out your reason why and make sure it is big enough to compel you to action and keep your desire for its attainment a burning obsession.

Write it out on a piece of paper in one or two sentences and place it somewhere where you will see it every morning and every night. Write it on a smaller note card and carry it around in your pocket everywhere you go to constantly remind yourself of it.

This step is so important that I can't stress it enough. Ask anybody who has had great success in any endeavor and they will tell you that their goal or dream was never two sentences away from their thoughts. They thought about it every minute of every day. They were in the zone. They knew exactly what they wanted and never took their mind off of it until it was achieved. Adapt this kind of thinking and attitude and motivation will follow you like a shadow.

The second approach to maintaining motivation and to keep it habitually in your thoughts is to set yourself up to where you are constantly reminded and fired up about working out. This can and should be done in several ways. The most effective way is to set up a series of ways in which you can be reminded all the time through literary, audio, visual, as well as face-to-face learning and training.

When you are constantly reading new workout material, listening to audio recordings that motivate you, watching videos or movies about working out and bodybuilding, and are associating with other like-minded people with the same or similar goals, you will have a steady and constant flow of motivation.

One of my favorite quotes is, "you will be the same person today in five years except for the books you read and the people whom you most associate with." The truism in this quote cannot be denied. If "birds of a feather flock together," what can you tell about your motivation and results based on the people whom you most hang around? How often are you reading new material on weight training and bodybuilding? These questions can often present the reason why you may be losing motivation every time you start a new workout program.

Begin today before anything else by finding your reason why you workout and ingrain it in your brain until it becomes a burning obsession. Then make sure you are always around information and people that support your goals. By just making a habit of these two things will not only jump start your motivation but also gives it the long lasting vitality and lifeblood it needs to continue to compel you all the way to the finish line.

Derek Manuel is the author of the best-selling, "How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers". If you want to learn how you too can gain 20 to 30 pounds of solid muscle in as short as 8 weeks, or if you just want more quality information on how to gain weight and build muscle, please visit

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